Tuesday, May 03, 2005


The Palestinian Authority has released a Hamas militant who was arrested in Gaza overnight following a gun battle. The arrest sparked tension between the Palestinian security forces and Hamas, and Egyptian officials were called in to mediate a solution, Hamas said. The PA said its forces exchanged fire with three Hamas men suspected of trying to fire missiles at a Jewish settlement or a nearby Israeli town. Hamas denied preparing an attack and called for protests over the arrest. The message for Hamas supporters to take to the streets was broadcast from mosques' loudspeakers. Risk of unrest The BBC's Alan Johnston in Gaza says the events on Monday night show that any attempt by the PA to enforce the ceasefire by confronting the powerful, well-armed Hamas movement risks sparking serious unrest. Hamas has not endorsed the truce, but it has agreed to rein itself in.
Yeah, sure. LOOKIT: if the Palestinian Authority - as neo-governors of their territory - cannot establish the rule of law, and a single miliotary fiorce then they DO NOT HAVE THE CAPACITY TO RUN A STATE, and do NOT DESERVE ONE, AND ... IT WOULD INSANE FOR ISRAEL TO ALLOW THEM TO HAVE ONE! Even socialist Left-wing Dove Shimon Peres gets this; he once said (PARAPHRASING]: "... in Israel, Labor and Likud do NOT have their own paramilitary; there is only ther IDF. The Palsestinians must disarm all other paramiltaries in ordere to have an effective state." Disarmament of the neojihadis is as CENTRAL to peace in Israel as disarmament is central to peace in Northern Ireland.

Sharon is of courxse watching all this, and we know he is prepared to do WHATEVER it takes to guarantee Israeli defenses. BBC:

Prime Minister Ariel Sharon has told two senior US politicians visiting Israel that Mr Abbas was not taking significant steps to tackle hardline groups. "Instead of disbanding the terrorist organisations, he is acting to strengthen them. He is not willing to fight them and is similarly unwilling to disband their infrastructures," Mr Sharon said.

I predict that if the unilateral Gaza withdrawal (which is literall the self-inflicted ethnic cleansing of Gaza) does not yield BETTER security, that Sharon will announce UNILATERAL moves in the West Bank - which will PROBABLY include annexing relatively large areas around Jerusalem - INCLUDING Bethlehem. he will also out the anti-terrorist fece/wall wherever it needs to be be put for security.
BOTTOM-LINE: "NO SECURITY.... THEN NO STATE," and no negotiated deal!