Thursday, April 21, 2005


Earlier this evening, while I was checking out Trey Jackson's blog for fresh video - that JACKSON'S JUNCTION (and it's something everyone should do everyday) - I found that he also has a collection of audio-clips of recent raving & rantings from the LOONY LEFT. He's got Teddy Jo Kopechne, and Sheets Byrd, and Barbarella Boxer - AND HE HAS A DOOZY FROM HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON.

It's SO LOONY that I had to GOOGLE it - and sure enough, AT HILLARY'S OWN SITE, I found it. Here's one of the LOONIEST sections; (Trey has this part at his blog):

Now how are they [the GOP] doing this? Well, they control the levers of power. They flaunt that power. And they adhere to a rigid ideology that is well outside the mainstream of American politics. It is an ideology that ignores some of the basic principles laid down by our founding fathers like the accountability of the checks and balances in government. Now their determination to do this, I think, has taken a lot of Americans by surprise. It seems so much out of sync with where we believe our country should be. So no wonder so many Americans believe that we are on the wrong track.

WOW! Hillary is arguing that the GOP isn't the mainstream, but the Democrats are! And we're supposed to BELIEVE THAT CRAP?!

HERE'RE THE FACTS: The GOP has the White House, the Senate and the House, and most of the Governorships and statehouses, and yet the Democrats believe that THEY are the mainstream!? This degree of denial is BREATH-TAKING. But it's really worse than that. The fact is, that under George W. Bush's leadership, the GOP has GAINED in representative power at every level of government (federal and state) - FOR THE FIRST TIME IN SEVERAL DECADES - and yet Hillary REALLY wants us to believe that the GOP AND GEORGE W. BUSH ARE NOT THE MAINSTREAM!?

Either she's a loony Lefty or a cynical pandering liar. Either way: SHE'S PROVEN SHE IS UNFIT FOR COMMAND.

Now I will admit that some polls sometimes show that a majority on any given issue think President Bush isn't doing a great job (that the country is on "the wrong track"), BUT THAT'S BECAUSE MANY PEOPLE THINK W'S TOO LIBERAL (like on immigration, and domestic spending - and even that he's too soft on the neojihadists in Pakistan and Saudi Arabia)! It's LAUGHABLE that Hillary and her cohorts on the Left think that they might EVER get the votes of these dissatisfied righties!

If MY Democrat Party wants to get back into the MAINSTREAM, they should rally around Zell Miller, NOT Hillary!


  1. Anonymous1:50 AM

    Yeah, Zell for Prez! That'll fly.

    A ranting, raving, yelling, screaming, frothing-at-the-mouth DINO (Democrat in name only)...

    Kinda reminds me of someone else.


  2. Anonymous2:12 AM

    Is this a real site? Your not supporting any of your so called facts. Is this Jeff Gannon?
