Wednesday, April 13, 2005


That's how I'd characterize him.

Here's why:

"Loyal Republican to the Core" Carl Ford Donated to Democrats -

Self-professed “loyal, conservative Republican to the core” Carl Ford has not always put his money where his mouth is. Over the past five years, Ford donated more than $3,000 to a number of prominent Democrats including John Kerry and Charles Rangel, according to

Ford has also donated to a number of Republicans, including President Bush. The Democrat donations include:

$1,000 Charles Rangel 8/12/04; $500, Daniel Inouye, 2/18/04; $1,0000 Jane Harman, 12/8/03; $250 Jane Harman, 3/7/2004; $500 John Kerry, 11/9/99.

Why would a REAL conservative Republican give money to Rangel and Kerry - (and GOP moderate Arlen Spector, too)? It's NOT plausible. When Ford CLAIMED UNDER OATH to be a conservative Republican, he perjured himself and proved he's a phony and a liar.


  1. That's absolutely right. So John Bolton was mean to insubordinate subordinates? That's supposed to make him incapable of representing the US in the UN? Please. We need a strong personality in there. And by the way, the fact that Bolton is a non-holds-barred critic of the UN does NOT disqualify him, either. His job will be to represent the US in the UN, not the UN in the US.

  2. Anonymous3:19 PM

    I like Gandalin's comment!! What else do you expect from those whiny Democrats.. They want someone in the UN to take orders and directions from Fraance.. Germaneeee, Canadaaaaaaa, U-eNnnn.. and other rogue countries. They dont like someone gutsy like Bolton going there and make US stand tall!! It really bugs me to see Kofi Annan get away with everything, making his own son a scapegoat. How did his son get the job in UN anyway? And how much did he share with his DADDY?It's time someone like Bolton stepped in there straighten the mess out and put USA first where it belongs.
