Thursday, March 31, 2005


BERLIN, March 30 (Xinhua) -- Jordan-born terrorist Abu Musab al Zarqawi, operating in Iraq, is planning to launch chemical weapons attacks in Europe, a German magazine reported Wednesday. "Somewhere in Europe there's going to be a big bang and it will have been organized by Zarqawi," said a German Federal Intelligence Service (BND) official quoted by the political magazine Cicero. The unnamed BND source said it was unclear how far Zarqawi's agents had gone to prepare for a chemical attack. "We just know that he's working on it," a BND agent told the magazine. The magazine said Zarqawi's men, closely linked to Osama bin Laden's al-Qaida network, is producing chemical weapons in Georgia and north Caucasus region of Russia. Zarqawi is believed to have at least 150 potential terrorists based in Berlin, Bavaria and Baden-Wuerttemberg states, said the BND agents in the Cicero report.

The potential perps sound like they might be non-Arabic (and very European/European-looking) men and/or women who would be VERY hard to PROFILE. Stay tuned...

UPDATE: Turkey's ZAMAN ONLINE has picked up the story, as have a dozen other news outlets...

UPDATE#2: EXPATICA (a usually reliable aggregator in Europe) is running the news item, now...

UPDATE #3: JAWA makes this point, and has MORE: A chemical weapons lab was found in Fallujah shortly, but no quantities of WMD were located. Fallujah was Zarqawi's headquarters until it was liberated by U.S. troops late last year.

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