Sunday, March 27, 2005


I think that Condi has already travelled more than Powell did. And she's already been a much more effective Secretary of State, too.

I think I know why: Powell wasn't very supportive of Bush's policies (and everyone knew that), so he just mailed it in; he even probably agreed a lot with the whining appeasers of Old Europe - undermining Bush with them as he INGRATIATED HIMSELF TO THEM!

But Rice is MUCH closer to Bush, personally, and she's TOTALLY supportive of the Administration's policies. So when the whining appeasers of Old Europe whine; she sets them straight! And they KNOW that when she speaks, she has the backing of the president - so they listen with respect. That makes her much more effective - and the results have already begun to show!

I think that Powell was - in the end - much like Shimon Peres was a few years back when he was Ariel Sharon's FM during one of the first (of many succeeding) coalition/unity governments. Peres spent all his time UNDERMINING Sharon. That fudged things up between Israel and Old Europe: the anti-Zionists of Old Europe felt that they could "wait out" Sharon, and make better deals with Peres. In the end, Sharon won out (because - I assert - he's an even better politican than he was a field general! YUP: Sharon is a GREAT politician! Look at the number of coalitions he has had to create and dump, and he has still executed many urgent and cohesive and far-reaching and daring EVEN CONTROVERSIAL policies! YUP: Sharon is great!).

(Originally posted 3/18/05 BEFORE the NY Daily news article.)


  1. Anonymous7:55 PM


  2. Anonymous7:55 PM


  3. Anonymous7:56 PM

    Bush is a cunt

  4. Anonymous7:25 AM

    have a look at the psychological construct of groupthink. Yes a unified voice is very useful in some circumstances. But the removal of dissenting opinions has numerous draw backs. Groupthink was discovered after kennedy's manifestation of it in the bay of pigs invasion.


  5. Anonymous10:10 AM

    yo sam:

    the only thing BAD about the bay of pigs invasion was that it failed!

    and it failed because JFK was WEAK.

    if we had succeedded in overthrowing castro then we wouod have liberated CUBANS, instead: we condemned them to 50 years of TYRANNY.

  6. Anonymous4:19 PM

    it failed because the people used in the 'invasion' were not trained or effective. jfk's administration failed to notice this problem because there was no voice of dissent. Without people around who challenge your view there is a progression towards illusionary self confidence.

    You are right, because everyone you know agrees that you are right. Not because reality supports your position. Which is fine, so long as you dont take your decisions out of your head and into application.

    I prefer the president to have ppl telling him he is wrong so he keeps trying harder to be right. Its about effort not about confidence.


  7. Anonymous4:20 PM

    it failed because the people used in the 'invasion' were not trained or effective. jfk's administration failed to notice this problem because there was no voice of dissent. Without people around who challenge your view there is a progression towards illusionary self confidence.

    You are right, because everyone you know agrees that you are right. Not because reality supports your position. Which is fine, so long as you dont take your decisions out of your head and into application.

    I prefer the president to have ppl telling him he is wrong so he keeps trying harder to be right. Its about effort not about confidence.

