Tuesday, March 01, 2005


The SCOTUS ruled to day that the death penalty may not be applied to anyone under age 18.

Just 17 years ago, in 1988, the SCOTUS said the age limit was 16 and over.

But then - way back in the 1980's 18 year olds could drink, too.

NOW... if you're under 18, you are a JUVENILE - an as of yet un-formed adult - and not allowed to drink booze (legally) and not fully responsible for your actions even if those actions include premeditated murder.

ARE 18 year olds more infantile now than then!?


What's happened is that a few Leftists on the SCOTUS have succeeded in making 18 year old people LESS responsible for themselves - which is of course at the HEART of the Leftists agenda: they don't want people to be responsible for themselves; they want the state to be responsible for you, instead.

Well, I say: If you're old enough to volunteer for the armed forces, and old enough to vote, then you are old enough to drink booze and to suffer the death penalty if a jury says you deserve it.

If the Left had their way, illegal juvenile aliens (even those convicted of felonies) would have the right to vote, but not to smoke or drink or die for committing murder. HOW EFFING WEIRD IS THAT!? Maybe the Left will RAISE the voting age!? Or do they think that voting requires less thought and responsibility than killing?!

There is NO consisitency or sense to the Left's position EXCEPT as part of a program to make people LESS responsible for themselves - and the State MORE POWERFUL; that is the ONLY context in which this decision makes sense. It's court-ordered nanny-statism at its worst, and - now that the GOP controls the White House and the Congress - it's the ONLY way the Left can stuff their Leftist agenda down our throats.

Which also means it's further proof that the GOP controlled Senate ought to abolish the Senate rule that requires cloture for court nominees, so the GOP can get a few non-Leftist jurists on the court - - jurists who won't legislate from the bench, or aggrandize the state as they infantilize the citizenry.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:12 PM

    Please make your arguments with information that is correct. People that are under 18 currently cannot vote, smoke, or drink. They cannot be drafted, but they might be able to volunteer (I haven't checked). They are not considered adults in any legal sense, and cannot enter most legally binding contracts. Not allowing the state to kill them for their actions is not inconsistent with any of this.

    I also don't know where you get your idea of what a leftist position is. Most liberals that I know are against the death penalty being applied to anyone. This does not mean that liberals don't think people are not responsible for their actions, it means they don't think the government should have the power to kill people. Furthermore, most liberals that I know are opposed to the war on drugs and would prefer that anyone be allowed to drink or smoke.

    I also don't understand how you consider this to be taking power away from people and giving it to the government. This decision limits the power of the government by not allowing it to kill citizens. Not a single person lost a right or any freedom as a result of this decision.
