Wednesday, March 30, 2005


The president was not served well by Powell. He was NOT a clear supporter of the president's policies to our allies; they knew this and it undercut our policies.

Rumsfeld is still on the job, and Powell is GONE - which proves that the president knows who served him and the USA well, and who did not.

Here's the proof - from an interview he gave in GERMANY, of course (FOX/AP):

" BERLIN — Former Secretary of State Colin Powell said the Bush administration was sometimes "too blustery" in its rhetoric during the buildup to the Iraq war but he still believed toppling Saddam Hussein was the right thing to do, according to a German magazine interview published Wednesday. I suppose we sometimes were too loud, too direct, maybe too blustery," Powell was quoted as saying. "That must have had the Europeans shuddering quite a few times." He also said Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld's famous jibe at France and Germany, when he labeled them "old Europe" for refusing to join the war in Iraq, did not help. "Terms like 'old Europe' didn't exactly have a confidence-building effect," Powell was quoted as saying, "and clearly helped turn public opinion in Europe against us."

POWELL: he did not get it then; he still doesn't get it. THANK GOD we finally have a GREAT Secretary of State, who gets it and who supports the president's polices and makes the president's case to the rest of the world. As a result, she has ALREADY proven she is more effective. While Powell - to this day - undercuts us to serve HIMSELF.

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