Wednesday, March 30, 2005


Spain's socialist PM Zapatero is joining Russia's Tsar Putin in arming Venezuela's little Castro - Chavez. The threesome make up a "little axis of evil" that extends right here into our own backyard. BBC:
The Spanish prime minister has defended a plan to sell arms to Venezuela amid US concern that the deal could destabilise countries in Latin America. Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero is expected to finalise the purchase of ships and planes worth 1.3bn euros ($1.7bn) in Venezuela on Wednesday. He said the military equipment was designed to help regional security and to counter drug trafficking. The proposed deal has been denounced by Mr Zapatero's political foes in Spain. Spain's conservative opposition leader Mariano Rajoy described the plans as a "monstrous error" and said Venezuelan opponents of President Hugo Chavez had also criticised the proposal. The row in Spain follows international concern over Venezuelan plans to buy 100,000 AK-47 assault rifles from Russia. The US state department has accused Venezuela of starting an arms race and has suggested the rifles could end up in the hands of Colombia's left-wing Farc rebels.
Chavez is the Mugabe of South America. Those who arm him - pseudo-allies Russia and Spain - are also opposing us in other regions of the world. Spain and Russia are KNOWINGLY strengthening a very dangerous regime and DELIBERATELY flaunting American interests and opposing Bush's policies. I have a feeling Bush is noting this, and keeping it under his hat - until the time is right. (I hope the right time to confront Russia and Spain and Venezuela - AND MEXICO - comes sooner, rather than later! )

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