Monday, March 14, 2005


This news must REALLY PISS-OFF and DISAPPOINT the Left. Only last week, most of the talking heads on the Left were palpably RELIEVED that Hizballah had STAGED a big anti-American protest. Hell, the Leftists had promptly started wagging their "I told you the Bush Doctrine wouldn't work" fingers in our neo-con faces. IN FACT: the MSM Lefties were ALL OVER the Sunday Talk Shows yesterday saying that Hizballah had proven that they were also "politcal party" that had to be taken seriously!

YEAH RIGHT! Bush - who has just put Gerry Adams of Sinn Fein - the "political wing" of the terrorist group the IRA - on the persona non grata list, is certainly never EVER going to alllow ANYONE in his administration to have a tete-tete with Nasrallah or anyone else in Hizballah - that would be like negotiating with al Qaeda!

Today's reports will upset the Left because they PROVE that today's anti-Hizballah, anti-Syria, anti-neojihadist, anti-baathist protest - and PRO-AMERICAN RALLY - is the biggest one BIGGEST YET! ---


Nearly two million people from different regions of Lebanon have gathered in the capital Beirut for protests organized by the opposition party. Members of the press located in the protest region have reported that the protestors are arriving in Beirut by car, ship, and even on foot in preparation for the largest meeting since the assassination of the former Prime Minister Rafiq Hariri on Feb. 14.


Angry Lebanese demanded an international investigation into Hariri's killing and a complete and swift Syrian pullout of its troops and intelligence forces, after a nearly 30-year military presence in its tiny neighbor. Apart from the vast sea of opposition protesters in the square, steady flows of people could be seen pouring from all corners of the city, and all kinds of vehicles were bringing in large influx of people from across the country. Estimates of the number of protesters varied from 1 million to 300,000.

And I betchya they were all LEBANESE, TOO!

******* UPDATE: AP/ABC - 3/15:

BEIRUT, Lebanon -- Mar 14, 2005 — Hundreds of thousands of anti-Syrian demonstrators flooded the capital Monday in the biggest protest ever in Lebanon, surpassing the turnout for an earlier pro-Damascus rally organized by the Islamic militant Hezbollah. In a show of national unity, Sunnis, Druse and Christians packed Martyrs' Square as brass bands played and balloons soared skyward. The rally, perhaps the biggest anti-government demonstration ever staged in the Arab world, was the opposition's bid to regain momentum after two serious blows: the reinstatement of the pro-Syrian prime minister and a huge rally last week by the Shiite group Hezbollah. Protesters some bused in from across Lebanon jammed Martyrs' Square and spilled into nearby streets. They chanted, sang and shouted in a mix of the Arabic accents of the country's regions, demanding Syrian troops depart and that their government be purged of Damascus' influence.

The turnout was broader than earlier opposition protests, with more Sunni Muslims in particular joining the Christians and Druse who have formed the bulk of past anti-Syrian rallies. Even some Shiites joined in.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:34 AM

    Reagan's Assistant Secretary of the Treasury totally gives the smackdown to those stupid liberals and thier hizbullah supporting asses-
