Saturday, March 05, 2005


(AFP) -
The leaders of France, Russia, Germany and Spain are to meet in Paris March 18 for a working dinner designed to accommodate Russian President Vladimir Putin's wish to see a closer EU-Russia dialogue, French officials said Friday. It will be the first time such a meeting will take place, the officials from French President Jacques Chirac's office said. As well as Chirac and Putin, the dinner's guests will include German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder and Spanish Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero.
More than any other nations on the world, these four nations now enable and appease the enemy; here are a FEW of their RECENT perfidious acts:
(1) France refuses to allow the UN or the EU to officially recognize that Hizballah is a terrorists group (thereby allowing them to continmue to raise money in Europe), and France recently gave all of ONE soldier to help train Iraqis; (2) Spain recently withheld information about a possible terrorists attack against the USA - and Grand Central Terminal in NY - for 5 months; (3) before the Iraq War, Germany and France twisted Turkey's arm in order to get Turkey to refuse to allow the USA to use its Turkish bases in the war; this prevented the USA military from entering Iraq from the north, and may be WHY the neojihadists and Baathists who were north and east of Baghdad were able to "fade away" and regroup; in other words, because of France and Germany and Turkey, the "insurgents" were given a route of escape, and this lead directly to the strength and persistence of their attacks against Iraqis and the coalition for the last year; (4) Russia is currently arming Syria with missiles and Iran with dual-use nuclear technology, and they're NOT helping us with North Korea at all.
These four appeaserati - Chirac, Schroeder, Zapatero and Putin - are NOT ALLIES; they are truly an AXIS OF TREACHERY. Replacing these four appeaserati with pro-democracy/libertarian leaders is as important to our eventual success in WW4 as getting rid of Assad and Khatami and Kim Jong Il.

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