Friday, March 25, 2005


No matter where you stand on Terri Schiavo - whether you believe she wants to die, or whether you think only her husband wants her to die - you MUST admit that her death is ONLY POSSIBLE BY ORDER OF THE COURT.

BY ORDER OF THE COURT, she is either being allowed to commit suicide, or her husband is being allowed to murder her.

Since BOTH are illegal, I wonder where is the moral victory for anyone in Terri's death?!

The RIGHT TO DIE folks believe that it's okay for Terri to commit suicide - it's an inherent right: you "own" your life, and may do with it as you choose. The RIGHT TO LIFE folks believe that human life is so precious that it should never be squelched out - not without a fight.

Which side is right? Well, look at their names... look at what their names VALORIZE: one group hails death, the other life. One group says only a "quality" life is worth living; the other says ALL life is worth living , and worth fighting for.

So vehemently do the right to die folks believe in death, that they insisted that Terri start dying even BEFORE all her rights had been adjudicated. WHAT DOES THAT SAY ABOUT THEM!? What does it say about the judges that they wouldn't even issue a TRO and allow the parents to put on a full case?!

Anyone who has seen the videos of Terri and her mother (CLICK HERE) knows that Terri is an aware human being - not fully aware, but a human being especially aware of LOVE. Maybe only as much a an infant is aware of love - BUT AWARE, NONETHELESS. None the less.

Terri is a person as needful as an infant. Of food. Of water. And love.

Now, all the courts allow her to get is love. Love can sustain the soul, but not the body. And soon - barring some miracle - Terri will die.

Those who believe her husband - that she wanted to die - will be relieved.


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