Saturday, March 26, 2005

BEIRUT: another neojihadist/baathist axis bombing!

(YAHOO/AP) - A loud explosion was heard in the Lebanese capital of Beirut on Saturday, witnesses and security officials said. The nature of the explosion was not immediately known. Witnesses said the blast occurred in the predominantly Christian eastern Beirut suburb of Dikweneh and flames were seen in the area.

This attack - like the two which preceded it - is part of the neojihadist/baathist plan to prevent democracy by fomenting sectarian/tribal civil war. IT WON'T WORK!

The blast was the third to strike Christian neighborhoods in Lebanon since last Saturday and comes at a time of political turmoil in Lebanon in the wake of the Feb. 14 assassination of former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri, and the subsequent withdrawal of Syrian troops to east Lebanon and Syria. ...

Lebanese opposition leaders have blamed Syrian security agents and pro-Damascus Lebanese authorities of trying to sow fear in the community. Lebanese and Syrian authorities have denied such claims. "They (Syrians) promised Hariri ... that if they left Lebanon, they would destroy Lebanon," exiled Christian opposition leader Michel Aoun told Al-Arabiya TV. "And now they are doing it. They think they can destroy Lebanese national unity this way. But the Lebanese will remain steadfast till infinity." Aoun said the situation calls for a "changing the security organizations related to Syria. This can't be delayed."

Druse leader Walid Jumblatt held pro-Syrian Lebanese security agents responsible for Saturday's blast, saying they were trying to intimidate people. Jumblatt said he expected more car bombs in the coming days and in the run-up to parliamentary elections scheduled to be held by May. Another opposition leader, Butros Harb, said the explosions were "a political message from the authorities and those behind them" aimed at "terrorizing" the Lebanese people who are demanding freedom and sovereignty. Harb told Al-Arabiya TV that Lebanese will not be cowed by such acts and will continue seeking independence.

DEMOCRACY still the most revolutionary revolution on earth!

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