Sunday, February 06, 2005



[Javier Solana is the EU's "foreign policy chief." According to the BBC,] Solana said that a military strike on Iran's nuclear facilities would be "a mistake", the European Union's foreign policy chief, Javier Solana, has warned. "That will complicate enormously the situation," he told Britain's ITV television network.

Asked if he agreed with UK Foreign Secretary Jack Straw that a US military action against Iran was "inconceivable", Mr Solana replied: "I think at this point in time military action... is very difficult to conceive. "I don't think that the United States has at this point of time the wish or the will or the capability to do that," Mr Solana said.

Great: the chief of EU foreign policy preemptively takes an important option or lever off the table (something you should NEVER do); what is more, IT'S A US OPTION - and... (AND AS IF THAT WASN'T DAMAGE ENOUGH!!!) he states that he believes the US DOESN'T HAVE THE WILL OR CAPABILITY to do it!

With allies like these, who needs enemies! Or as the wise man once said: "They're not for peace; they're on the other side!" (YES: I MEAN IT - THE EU IS ON THE OTHER SIDE! AFTER ALL IT'S THE EU AND RUSSIA WHO'RE SELLING IRAN WHAT THEY NEED TO MAKE NUKES!)

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