Wednesday, February 09, 2005



WASHINGTON - The U.S. State Department called in Syria's ambassador this week and warned him Damascus must stop insurgents from crossing into Iraq and end support for Palestinian militants or risk fresh U.S. sanctions, U.S. officials said on Wednesday. The warning to Ambassador Emad Moustapha appeared to signal Washington is edging closer to imposing new sanctions on Syria, which Washington accuses of supporting Palestinian militants and of allowing money and arms to flow to insurgents in Iraq. ... In one sign of U.S. frustration with Damascus, U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice sharply criticized Syria for what she said was its policy of exporting terror and attempting to wreck Israeli-Palestinian peace efforts."It is just not acceptable that Syria would continue to be a place from which terrorists are funded and helped to destroy the very fragile peace process in the Middle East or to change the dynamic of events in Lebanon," Rice said on Tuesday.
And the HEAT goes on... STAY TUNED... (More HERE and HERE and HERE.)

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