Tuesday, February 22, 2005


Good article from NRO - HERE. RTWT. The article gives historical context to Lebanon's current crisis - and the solution.... DEMOCRACY. KEY EXCERPT: The war in Lebanon that erupted in 1975 was not at its core a civil war at all. It was triggered by a sweeping Palestinian armed assault on Lebanese sovereignty, beginning in the late 1960s.

NEOJIHADIST THUGGERY DESTROYED LEBANON. First Arafat's thugs - and now the thugs of Hizb'allah (supported by Syria and Iran). When we ERADICATE THEM, then Lebanon will once again be a jewel of tolerance and prosperity.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:25 AM

    The article is absurd - haven't you heard of the Lebanese civil wars of the 1890s? No PLO then. How about 1958 Civil War? The PLO wasn't in Lebanon in 1958, Fatah was an idea in a refugee's head in Kuwait at that time; The Lebanese Civil War started as a demand by Sunnis and their allies in the Left for an end to the 6-5 Christian majority in parliament: How about an analysis of the Syrian occupation of Lebanon with the Israeli occupation of West Bank - how many Syrian "exclusive settlements" are there in Lebanon? How much of Lebanon was annexed (ala Golan Heights?); How about elections - How is that under Syrian military occupation Lebanon managed to have elections in 2000 and 1996 which returned MPs that were hostile to Syria?
