Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Israel and the P.A. BOTH accuse Iran and Syria


RAMALLAH, West Bank (Reuters) - Lebanese Hizbollah guerrillas are trying to recruit Palestinian militants for attacks on Israelis in order to sabotage Middle East peace efforts, senior Palestinian officials said on Wednesday. ... "We know that Hizbollah has been trying to recruit suicide bombers in the name of al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades to carry out attacks which would sabotage the truce," said one official, referring to a militant group inside Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah faction. ... Another official said intercepted email communications and bank transactions suggested Hizbollah had raised its cash offers to militants, but it was unclear if this reflected a heightened desire to see violence flare up or a dearth of recruits. "Now they are willing to pay $100,000 for a whole operation (suicide bombing) whereas in the past they paid $20,000, then raised it to $50,000," the second official told Reuters. ... Israel has long accused Hizbollah, whose attacks helped end its 22-year occupation of south Lebanon in 2000, of bankrolling a Palestinian revolt that erupted later that year.

This leak - coming on the heels of warnings from Blair and Rice - is designed to prepare Iran and Syria for UNSCR's which would lead to severe sanctions and/or military reprisals if they are caught interfering with the Israeli/Arab Peace Process by continuing to aid neojihadist groups in Israel or the occupied territories. STAY TUNED...

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