Tuesday, February 15, 2005


Putin has been acting very autocratically lately on domestic affairs, and internationally he has been VERY UNHELPFUL TO SAY THE LEAST - remember how he tried to help the thugs steal the election in Ukraine!?!

And don't forget: Putin is selling Iran most of its nuke hardware; as if that wasn't bad enough - Putin is also not doing a dang thing to help us contain North Korea; ON TOP OF ALL THAT now Putin is GOING AHEAD WITH A DESTABILIZING ARMS SALE TO ASSAD!

YUP: on the heels of the Hariri assasination - and just as Israel and the Palestinian Arabs are making some progress - Putin makes an unnecessary move that will upset the balance of power, and potentially give Hizballah - a neojihadist terrrorist organization - a very serious anti-aircraft weapon.

I think it is time that Condi - a Russia expert, by training - turned up the heat on Putin.

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