Wednesday, February 16, 2005


From IAFRICA (AFP - excerpt; RTWT!):

Likely a suicide car bomb

"The security services are almost sure that it was a suicide car bomb," Interior Minister Suleiman Franjieh said, adding however that the investigation was still going on and rejecting calls for an international probe. ... A hitherto unknown Islamic group claimed responsibility for the attack, saying it was to avenge Hariri's close ties with the Saudi regime, but experts suggested it required highly sophisticated technology and know-how that only a well organised group or government might possess.
I have previously posted - and still believe - that a sucider indicates neojihadists are behind the murder, and that this implicates Iran, NOT Syria (who had the most to lose). Iran's announcement today - that they will help defend Syria in case it is attacked- maybe their attempt to "kiss and make up" with Assad, who may be furious that he's bearing the brunt of international criticism for the Hariri hit.


Hariri's killer is Palestinian linked to al-Qaida

The jihad has indeed returned to Lebanon. Hariri murder update from UPI, with thanks to the Constantinopolitan Irredentist:

BEIRUT, Lebanon -- The suicide bomber who killed former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri is a Palestinian member of an Islamic group linked to al-Qaida. A security source, on condition of anonymity, identified the bomber as Ahmed Abu Adas, a Palestinian refugee who lived in the low-income Beirut neighborhood of Tarik Jadida. The source said the bomber's neighbors saw him leave his home a few hours before the attack that killed Hariri and eight other people.

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