Monday, February 14, 2005


The Iraqi Arab Sunni counter-revolutionaries have failed miserably - on ALL fronts: they have failed to get Bush to leave with his tail between his legs (like Clinton left Somalia, and Reagan left Beirut); and they failed to stop the election; AND - by preventing their Sunni brothers and sisters from voting - they prevented THEMSELVES from having critical "king-making" power in the new government.

YUP: the results - Shia 48%, Kurds 25% and Allawi 13% (appr.) - PROVE that IF the Sunnis had voted in good numbers, and for a ticket that represented their populace, that (1) they may have polled between 15% and 20% of the overall ballot, and therefore (2)they could have been in a powerful position to broker on all levels in the upcoming democratic processes. THEY REALLY BLEW IT, BIGTIME! THEIR VIOLENCE SERVED NOTHING AND NO ONE - NOT EVEN THEMSELVES!

Maybe, the Arab Sunni Iraqis will see this FACT and wake up to reality: democracy is here, and it'd be better for them (meaning it'd serve THEIR NARROW interests better) to play along, rather than continue to use violence (which has gained them ABSOLUTELY NOTHING - and which in fact has hurt THEM and THEIR CAUSE!).

This is a lesson that ALL neojihadists - including those in Gaza and the West Bank - should learn from.

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