Thursday, February 17, 2005



U.S. Aides Cite Worry on Qaeda Infiltration From Mexico
By DOUGLAS JEHL Published: February 17, 2005
WASHINGTON, Feb. 16 - New intelligence information strongly suggests that Al Qaeda has considered infiltrating the United States through the Mexican border, top government officials told Congress on Wednesday. ... Intelligence that "strongly suggests" that Al Qaeda operatives have considered using the Mexican border as an entry point was cited in written testimony by Adm. James M. Loy, the deputy secretary of homeland security. But he wrote that there was "currently no conclusive evidence" that this had succeeded. In the past, law enforcement officials have said Al Qaeda might try to use the Mexican border, but the testimony on Wednesday [by CIA diredctor Goss] seemed to suggest increasing concern.
I blogged on this last week - on 2/12/05 - when Mexico announced it was no longer going to require visas for visitors from Algeria, (a MAJOR hot-bed of neojihadism and home of many dangerous neojihadis who have been involved in international terror). We shouldn't want an unchecked flow of unchecked Algerians to enter Mexico IF WE DON'T HAVE A SECURE BORDER WITH MEXICO; it just doesn't make sense!

In addition, non-Algerian neojihadis can pose as Algerians, get fake Algerian passports and then EASILY enter the USA from Mexico.

Therefore, if Mexico goes forward with this new policy (which, as a sovereign nation, they're entitled to do, even though it's a policy which DIRECTLY threatens our national security), we MUST take COUNTER-MEASURES: we must build a fence along the ENTIRE USA/Mexican border, and check EVERY SINGLE Mexican entering the USA against watch-lists, and record their retinas and fingerprints. Anything less is an OPEN INVITATION to a neojihadist terror attack here in the homeland.

The NYTIMES article is very good - RTWT!

UPDATE - NOTES: (a) the Israeli security fence proves that fences WORK; (b) the cost of a fence is LESS THAN the cost of an attack.

UPDATE #2 - WELCOME JAWA REPORT READERS! Please check out some other posts. And if you're not a regular JAWA REPORT reader yet - go there now and you'll become one!

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