Sunday, February 27, 2005


I guess that is something like a "charm offensive."

And to me - it's equally offensive!

Gestures like this are TOTAL BS PROPAGANDA! ESPECIALLY this one! WHY!? Well, do you think that Syria just happened to capture this half-brother in the last day or so? OF COURSE NOT! They have known about him (and let him FREELY OPERATE HIS TERROR-MACHINE in Syria) from the GET-GO, and CONVENIENTLY gave him to us in a BLATANT attempt to buy some time for themselves (now that the HARIRI assassination and the Tel Aviv disco bombing have blown up in their faces)!

WELL, I AM NOT BUYING THIS CYNCAL GESTURE! There're PLENTY MORE like Saddam's half-brother ALL OVER Syria, some who work for "insurgency groups" in Iraq, and others who work for "insurgency groups" like HAMAS and HIZBALLAH. THEY MUST ALL BE HANDED OVER! NOW!! Or we should target them and their assets with CRUISE MISSILES!

Actually, it is LONG PASSED TIME for an OPERATION DESERT FOX-type attack against Syrian Forces in Lebanon, and along Syria's Iraqi border. (Operation Desert Fox was the week-long missile attack against Saddam that was ordered by Clinton in 1998 - WITHOUT U.N. or Congressional or NATO approval - (and without the Left and the euroweenies complaining one iota!)

YUP: it's time to KILL the bad-guys; killing bad guys like Assad and Nasrallah is a GOOD thing: good for peace and freedom and democracy EVERYWHERE - and it's ESPECIALLY good for the emerging democracies in Iraq and Lebanon and in the occupied territories.


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