Wednesday, January 12, 2005


Hawkins: Why do you think Europeans and Americans seem to have such a dissimilar view of the world these days?

Victor Davis Hanson: I wish it was because of issues that divide us on principle, but I’m afraid a lot of it has to do with the absence of 300 Soviet divisions. During the Cold War, the U.S. subsidized the defense of Europe and it kept Russia from going in and doing to Western Europe what it had done to Eastern Europe. With the demise of the Berlin Wall, the Europeans immediately began to follow up on their socialist utopia.

IMHO: utopianism - and utopianists like Hitler and Stalin and Bin Laden - are the problem. They all believe that an elite of better-informed/enlightened leaders (whether it's a politburo informed by Das Kapital or a council of Mullahs informed by the Koran) can make the world a perfect place. What they ALWAYS end up doing is destroying liberty and prosperity and committing genocide. In fact, only utopianists commit genocide. WHY? Because utopianists think that their vision of "utopia" is so so so so soooooooo perfect that it's worth doing really really really bad things to achieve it. Like denying other "less informed" people their innate rights: the right to the fruits of their labor, their property, and their right to self defense. And the utopianist elites usually end up killing the "infidels" - and thousands like them - if the "unenlightened" insist on getting in the way of the elite's grand utopianist plans.

RTWT. More on the evil twins Hitler and Marx and other dangerous utopianists HERE (scroll around - there's PLENTY!).

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