Thursday, January 06, 2005


According to YAHOO/"Reuters" - TOKYO (Reuters) - "The United States is setting a deadline of early February for a reply from North Korea on whether the communist state will return to six-party talks on its nuclear arms programme, a Japanese newspaper says. If Pyongyang does not reply positively by the time U.S. President George W. Bush gives his State of the Union address, the United States will prepare to bring the matter to the U.N. Security Council, the conservative Sankei Shimbun said on Thursday, quoting an unidentified diplomatic source familiar with the talks."

According to South Korea's CHOSUN.COM: "The head of the International Atomic Energy Agency Mohamed El-Baradei says the threat posed by North Korea's nuclear weapons program is worsening and needs to be resolved as soon as possible."

SO... I guess we should prepare for an anxious spring and summer! Well, maybe we'll all be ready by then: the elections in Iraq and the "Palestinian" territories will be behind us. I imagine that if Syria and Iran are cooperating by then that North Korea will be next in line for liberation.

Somehow, I feel that Syria and Iran will NOT be so cooperative, and that their uncooperativeness might slow things up a little - which might be part of the strategy of the axis of evil.


  1. Now North Korea is a counrty we could nuke and never give a damn about how many civilians die or what the rest of the world thinks of us. We're about due for a good nuking.
