Friday, January 28, 2005

Progress or Regress?

Will the fact that they'll now have to actually self-govern in a transparent way and deliver services moderate them, or will it poison the system?

I'm not sure, but I am optimistic.

I do know that there are many other instances of this sort of thing (of "institutional change: and wondering what's it's impact will be: wheter it strengthens or weakens institutions) - maybe that's an indication of how things will likely go, and why:

(A) Gay marriage - does it represent the embourgeoisification of homosexuality, or the destruction of a basic and ancient and important social institution? (B) Democracy in the Islamosphere - will it radicalize Muslim nations or moderate them? (C) Privatization of Social Security - will it destroy retirement benefits or strengthen them?

I believe that how we answer these questions reflects what we believe about humanity.

Universalists believe that people are basically good, and basically the same all over the world. Genetics pretty much backs this up. This would mean that ALL three of my examples would lead to GOOD results: empowering individuals to take responsibility for their own lives - in the private and public domains - is inherently good because personal autonomy is basically good.

On the other hand: there MUST ALWAYS be checks and balances - without checks and balances a few bad players can ruin anything. Checks and balances is basically what makes the USA work so well (it's not who we are ethnically or any other way; it's that we have separated the powers of the state so thoroughly).

IOW: we should be as libertarian as possible, but NEVER expect that a completely unfettered and unchecked authority - by any individual or group or any state - will lead to anything good.


Well, gay marriage? ... maybe... in some form... in some states if they want it; sure. Democracy in the Islamosphere? ... yeah... good; even if it leads sometimes to reactionaries attaining power - as long as their governments have checks and balances, and the public has recourse for recalls and elections. Privatization of social security? ... DEFINITELY: personalization and ownership and personal responsibility is a good thing, but let's make sure it is VOLUNTARY.

And Hamas??? Well... We'll see; I hope when they have to deliver services to their own people (instead of genocide) that they will reform. The test will come when it's time for them to disarm (just as in Northern Ireland with the IRA). I'm praying...

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