Monday, January 17, 2005

NeoJihadists Kidnap Catholic Archbishop


Archbishop Kidnapped in Iraq - Mosul is a base of operation for The Army of Ansar al Sunnah, and I suspect that this is their handiwork. Reuters: The Catholic archbishop of the Iraqi city of Mosul was kidnapped Monday in what the Vatican called an "act of terrorism."

I hope these posts serve to reiterate that the GWOT is a euphemism for a war between Western Civilization - (a Helleno-Judeo-Christian amalgam) - and Neojihadism.

And check out this posting at MY PET JAWA, too; (it's about the brutal execution of a family of 4 Egyptian Coptic Christians RIGHT HERE IN THE USA - in New Jersey! And then read the MPJ posting right below it! (MPJ is on fire!)

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