Tuesday, January 18, 2005

KIM'S MISSING PORTRAITS: mystery solved?

According to "REUTERS" portraits of Kim Jong Il have been defaced with pro-democracy grafiti. Once they've been defaced, they'd hardly remain hung up for long. MYSTERY SOLVED. "Reuters" claims to have seen a 35 minute video of this happening.

35-minute video clip viewed by Reuters showed a portrait of Kim taken inside a factory building and defaced by writing that demanded freedom and democracy. Such an act would be considered a grave crime in the North and bring capital punishment without trial to the perpetrator, said Do Hee-youn, who heads the South Korean group that made the clip available.

“There is a great potential for democracy in this country,” the narrator said. [Mr.] Do said the group who took the footage were people who would be able to exercise influence on the North Korean public, but declined to say whether they were members of the North’s communist party or the military. Still frames captured from the clip and a partial transcript were made available yesterday on a website operated by a group of former North Korean defectors and refugees who have settled in the South. The group, the Network for North Korean Democracy and Human Rights, is headed by the highest ranking North Korean official to defect to the South, Hwang Jang-yop. “Down with Kim Jong-il. Let’s all rise to drive out the dictatorial regime,” read the poster seen on the wall inside a factory. The footage, said to be taken in November, showed a largely deserted and run-down town with patches of snow on the ground.

It seems to me we need to be doing more to help the North Korean democracy movement - even if it's just reminding the brave freedom-fighters that we know about them and believe in them and want them to win. It seems to me that Bush needs to step up and have a Reagan "TEAR DOWN THIS WALL" moment supporting the democracy movements in North Korea - and Iran. We may have our hands full - AT THE MOMENT - but soon, we will be able to turn our revolutionary sights on their plight, too!

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