Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Islam's Civil War

The GWOT is a euphemism for WW4 - a war between the remaining champions of Western Civilization, democracy & universal Human Rights and ruthless nativistic neojihadists.

But in another sense, the war is between moderate Muslims and the neojihadists: Afghanistan was a civil war, (one which we fomented, but that was fought with Afghani ground troops). What's going on in Iraq now is a civil war: not the one which was predicited by some (between ethnic elements within Iraq); what's going on in Iraq is a civil war between neojihadis & neobaathists - (NOT a surprising alliance when one realizes that baathism is, after all, not so different from Jihadofascism; both are pan-Arabist/nativist utopianist ideologies which favor totalitarian tyranny; each are variants of Islamofascism) - and moderate Muslims who want democracy. In Iraq - as in Afghanistan - the USA is clearly on the side of Muslim democrats. In the occupied territories, a civil war is beginning too: between Abbas and Hamas/Hizb'allah, the PFLP and al Aksa. Recent pols show that an increasing majortity of Palestinian Arabs want a peaceful two-state settlemnt. Saudi Arabia and Egypt and Jordan and Yemen and Indonesia are also fighting civil wars against the neojihadis - each with less military assistance from the USA than either Afghanistan or Iraq.

It is time for all the nations of the free world who are on the sidelines - (because they see WW4 as an aggressive hegemonic battle between the USA and Jihaodterrorists, or because they want to triangulate, or because they want a free ride) - to accept that this is a civil war within the Muslim world, and actively help the USA and the UK and Australia support the moderate Muslim nations who want to defeat neojihadism and become more democratic.

The USA can defend itself and fight a decades long war against the neojihadists alone. But, because there are so many neojihadis and neojihadi sympathizers in the Muslim World (even if only 10% of the 1 BILLION Muslims are actively sympathetic this amounts to 100 MILLION supporters!), this will be a very long and very costly and very bloody war.

Ultimately, WW4 will be concluded not when he West defeats Islam, but only when Islam defeats neojihadism. This will come sooner and with lower casualties and costs if the West is more cohesively allied. Which means it's time for the other moderate Muslim nations and for Old Europe to UNAMBIGUOUSLY get on board - and join us in the fight against neojiahdism at least as much as the moderate Afghanis and Iraqis have.

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