Tuesday, January 18, 2005


Israel accused Hizbullah, Iran and Syria of being behind the recent wave of terror, with senior diplomatic officials Tuesday night threatening action "both here and elsewhere" against those responsible. One senior official said Tuesday evening's suicide attack in Gush Katif is "another incident in a series of deliberate efforts, instigated by Iran and Hizbullah, and supported by Syria, to scuttle any reconciliation process with Abu Mazen [Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas]."

Iran and Syria harbor and aid neojihaditerrorists who are attacking the emerging democracies in BOTH Iraq and in Arab Palestine.

If we want our brothers and sisters in Iraq and the occupied territories to have democracy and their God-given inalienable/universal Human Rights, then IRAN AND SYRIA MUST BE MADE TO "CEASE AND DESIST."

With any and all necessary means. And the sooner the better. According to the same article, indications are that Israel WILL act against the international sponsors of Jihadoterror - EVERYWHERE:
"Israel will take the necessary steps, there will be no limitations, there will be no immunity or refuge, not here or elsewhere," he added. "There will be intensified action along the whole front."
We should do the same, and AT LEAST attack the camps and refuges of the neojihadists and baathists in Syria. If the enemy won't respect borders, then we shouldn't either! NO REFUGE FOR TERRORISTS!

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