Friday, January 07, 2005


It strikes me as very revealing that the Democrats and the Left interrogate people like Gonzales more toughly than they would interrogate enemy combatants.

But, I guess that's to be expected from the kind of wackos who fear Ashcroft more than Bin Laden.

EQUALLY REVEALING: Most of the "Bush is a torturer" crap comes from guys with very questionable personal backgrounds: Kennedy left the scene of a vehicular homicide (to put it POLITLEY!); Biden was a plagiarist; Leahy an officialy reprimanded leaker of national secrets. And that's just the Lefties on the Judiciary Committee. Then there's Clinton - the serial rapist/adulterer/perjurer, and Sandy Berger - who got caught stealing TOP SECRET documents from the National Archives, and Kerry - the slanderer and "war criminal."

Whatta crew! Thank God they're NOT in control of interrogating Jihadoterrorists or national security!

1 comment:

  1. Clinton was never convicted of rape, since your printed that you coulbd be convicted of libel. Have you ever been a member of the military and or been overseas? I have, while some of your suppositions have merit, most are overblown exaggerations and blatent defenses of the right. Both the left and the right need to come under some scrutiny, the left for being to soft in dealing with things and the right for being too arrogant in their foreign poilicy. There is a reason we are perceived as the world's "bad guy right now, and it isn't just in everyone's head.

    None of the direct "torture" was done by Bush or hos cabinet or generals, but im sorry, I was there and it had to be known about. "interrogation" methods wen't well beyond what is allowed in the Geneva conventions, and the vast majority of detainees weren't "terroists" they were people who were pissed that their house had been blown up.

    Jump off you high horse and get the facts strait.
