Monday, January 17, 2005

EU: needs a Thatcher NOW!

The EU continues to lag behind the US when it comes to entrepreneurship, a poll published on Monday (17 January) by the European Commission shows. The survey – conducted on both sides of the Atlantic – shows that nearly twice as many Americans are thinking of setting up their own business (28 percent) than their European counterparts (15 percent). Moreover, the gap appears to be widening. The number of people thinking about starting their own firm increased by eight percent since 2003 in the US, but only by two percent in the EU. Job security [... obsessed... Ed.] Europeans also seem to feel more at home working within a company than Americans, who would rather be self-employed. Nearly two-thirds (61 percent) of American respondents to the poll said they would prefer to be self-employed, compared to only 45 percent of Europeans, who cited job security and a fixed regular income as reasons to be employed by a company rather than being their own boss. [...] Javier Echarri, Secretary-General of the European Venture Capital Association, which aims to promote an entrepreneurial spirit in the EU, said, "If the EU is serious about encouraging more Bill Gates and Richard Bransons in the EU, then it must look to ease access to finance for entrepreneurs as well as improve the entrepreneurial environment in Europe".

The UK had Thatcher; the USA had Reagan. They saved the West by disestablishing Keynesianism and replacing it with Hayekianism. The result: the UK and the USA are economically vital. Continental Europe is still largely mired in a strangulating blend of Keynesianism and socialism.

This continued adherence to the failed programs of Keynesianism and socialism will kill their economy just as surely as their sophisticated adherence to post-modernism has been killing their will to protect their culture (and allowing it to be replaced by nihilism, Islamism, and moral/cultural relativism).

I pray that I might live long enough to have children and grandchildren - and that they will live to enjoy an economically and culturally vital European Europe. I doubt it more each day.


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