Monday, January 31, 2005


Katherine Lopez of NRO's THE CORNER points to a recent post by ROGER L. SIMON which cited an earlier article by AUSTIN BAY (now of his own blog) at STRATEGYPAGE.

K-lo, Roger and Austin make the point that the so-called "insurgents" are really - and ought to be really called - "reactionaries." (Perhaps they think that this name is not only more accurate - which it is - but that it will also emphasize to Lefties everywhere that they should unambiguously support the Coalition of the Willing and the Iraqi Government in the current war against the neojiahdists and neobaathists in Iraq.)

Actually - IMHO, the best name for the "insurgents" is not "reactionaries" but COUNTER-REVOLUTIONARIES.

The one true revolution was and still remains the democratic revolution - the one we started in 1776, and that has been steadily bringing liberty and democracy to more and more of humanity EVER SINCE. Truly, a democratic revolution is what's happening now in Iraq.

LIBERTY - after 229 years, it's STILL the most revolutionary thing out there!


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:08 PM

    G-d Bless the brave Iraqi men and women who have suffered years of oppression.

    In spite of constant terror and threats they voted with their hearts.

    Let us welcome them among the brotherhood of peace loving democracies.

    And let us not forget the souls of the brave and innocent.

    May the naysayers, sideline sitters, monday night quarterbacks and facist islamoterrorists all get what they deserve. (thats not to say they deserve the same degree of defeat and punishment)
