Monday, January 03, 2005


According to JIM LINDGREN (HAT-TIP INSTAPUNDIT) the Columbia Journalism Review has - in an article on Rathergate - largely dismissed the blogosphere. This is especially BIZARRE considering that 2004 was the "year of the blog" and that blogs were chiefly responsible for outing Rather, CBS and the bogus documents.

WHY WOULD THEY DO THIS? Because: the dinosaurs of the Old Media are a much more likely future employers for anyone at the CJR than the bloggers. CYNICAL?! Yes, but human nature is human nature: people tend not to bite the hand that feeds them - or the hand that might feed them in the near future. And for CJR contributors that is the Old Media.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:01 PM

    Actually CJR has been helping Viacom cover up Rathergate since Sep. This is just a continuation of their coverup.
    Rod Stanton
