Thursday, December 02, 2004


FOX: "Russia, Britain, Chile, Spain and other nations on the U.N. Security Council strongly backed Annan in recent days, as did non-council members. The 54 African nations sent a letter of support. 'He has heard no calls for resignation from any member state,' U.N. spokesman Fred Eckhard told reporters when asked whether he envisioned Annan's stepping down. 'If there's some agitation on this issue on the sidelines ... that's healthy debate. But he is intent on continuing his substantive work for the remaining two years and one month of his term.'"

So, if Kofi won't resign, and naturally: he has the support of all those scummy nations who were sucking at the teat of the Oil-For-Food Program!

Well, then there's only one way to force the UN into greater cooperation with the Congressional investigation into the Oil-For-Food Scandal, aka "UNSCAM:" Pass an act that withholds ALL UN dues until we get cooperation - Helms-Biden Redux.

As I discussed here and here and here.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:11 PM

    Aw, come on! Must we give more money to those crooks? Even if they "cooperate" with the Congressional investigation, the U.N. bureaucrats won't (can't) clean up their act. How about a little desuetude by the U.S. and our allies?
