Wednesday, December 22, 2004


This is good news. BUT... is it COINCIDENCE that Chirac was vacationing in Morocco at the time? Or was he there as cover to pay a bribe through Islamic channels? I have no proof - but I know it is a FACT that Chirac is no stranger to bribery, and I know that it is a FACT that the Moroccans are not strangers to Jihadoterror - and have often acted as middlemen; (for example: between Israel and more anti-Zionist Arab states). And I don't "believe in" coincidences or the goodwill of Jihadoterrorists. Chirac might have a slush fund from which he could have paid a ransom WITHOUT involving the French government. (Some have suggested that Berlusconi did the same thing to get Italian hostages - the two women - released.) Chirac is rushing back from Morocco to Paris for a photo op with the released hostages...

UPDATE: BBC - "The French Prime Minister Jean-Pierre Raffarin rejected suggestions that a ransom was paid for their release. The men's captors said they were freed because of France's anti-war stance. "

OH... that's MUCH better!

UPDATES on French bribery/ransom HERE and HERE.

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