Thursday, December 23, 2004


"More than 100 of Iran's potentially most important but least examined archaeological sites, including fringes of Pasargadae, the city built by King Cyrus the Great, will be flooded in the next two years according to the UN, which appealed yesterday to international scientists to try to record what they can. The flooding of the eight-mile Tang-e-Bolaghi gorge because of the construction of a dam will destroy ancient Persia's imperial road which ran from Persepolis to Pasargadae. [...] Unesco said yesterday it was hopeful that the world heritage site of Pasargadae, Cyrus's capital city, renowned for its palaces, gardens and the tomb of the founder of the Achaemenid dynasty, would be only marginally affected. The city, which was included in Unesco's world heritage site list last year, is less than three miles from the end of the gorge. It was built on the site where Cyrus defeated Astyages, the leader of the Medes, in 550BC. It has added importance today because it is believed to be the capital of the first Asian empire which respected the cultural diversity of its people. "

The destruction of these sites will be a crime against humanity. It should tell everyone that the Mullahs - like the Taliban who destroyed the Buddhas, and the Jihadoterrorists who destroyed the WTC (and tried to murder 50,000 peple) - have NO RESPECT for human life or the richness and diversity of human heritage, but only contempt for anything and everything which runs counter to their narrow view of Islam. It proves they are a menace to all. One that must be confronted before they accomplish their goal - that therefore must be confronted BEFORE they get nuclear arms with which to blackmail us.

Those who would destroy their OWN non-Islamic heritage would certainly destroy ours, and anything and everyone who attempts to prevent them from achieving their "utopian" goal: a world where only state-approved/endorsed Mullah endeavors are permitted - under pain of death.

Anyone and everyone who sees the Iranians as non-threatening - like many in the EU and Putin and China - are dead-wrong...or they will be...

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