Thursday, December 23, 2004


I hope that shuts up everyone who (like Michael Moore) claims that what's going on now in Iraq is an insurgency driven by Iraqi nationalism. It ain't. "It's Jihad, stupid!" And that means that Iraq really is the central battlefield in the GWOT.

And with stakes this large, we cannot afford to let Syrian perfidy make us fail. (See below.)

UPDATE: This article in the NYTIMES conveniently omits the above quote; this selective omission reveals that the NYTIMES doesn't want its readers to discover what the French hostages did discover: that the Iraq War as part of the GWOT.

**UPDATE - BBC: The Beeb has the quote translated this way:
"We were very aware of the fact that it wasn't the Iraqi agenda that motivated our kidnappers, but the internationalist jihadist agenda."

I think that the Beeb and the Kuwati press reports on this matter are less biased than the NYTIMES. Unlike the NYTIMES, they both make it CLEAR that the French hostage now believes that Iraq is now part of the war against Jihadoterrorism.

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