Monday, December 06, 2004


Ask the average American who is a greater threat to their security - Israel or Jihadoterrorism - and most would say Jihadoterrorism. Most Americans can tell the difference between an ally - like the UK and Israel - a phony/sometime/fair-weather ally like France, and an out-and-out enemy, like al Qaeda and their minions. Many pundits argue that the GWOT was the major reason that Bush gained 10,000,000 more votes this time than in 2000. SO... why is the FBI targeting Israel? ESPECIALLY: why is the Chief of Counter-intelligence targeting Israelis and Jews - as opposed to Jihadodterrorists, their state sponsors and their minions? POWERLINE linked to an article which asks just that. The FBI is aggressively targeting AIPAC - an Israeli lobbying group. FROM THE ARTICLE:
On Friday, Rep. Robert Wexler, a Jewish Democratic congressman from south Florida, sent a second letter to US President George W. Bush expressing "deep concern" about the FBI's ongoing investigation of the lobby group, and urging the president to provide members of Congress with detailed information about the AIPAC probe. Wexler called on Bush to immediately dismiss David Szady, the senior FBI counterintelligence official who is heading the investigation. Senior Jewish community officials have accused Szady of targeting Jews in the past by blocking or slowing their security clearances. As journalist and author Edwin Black reported for the Jewish Telegraphic Agency in September, Szady headed a CIA counterespionage group, which tried to force the Jewish former CIA staff attorney Adam Ciralsky out of the agency, by documenting and probing his past contacts with Israel.
Joel Mowbray wrote a column about it in September; link HERE. EXCERPT:

The reported track record of the FBI agent in charge of the investigation, FBI assistant director of counterintelligence David Szady, is also troubling. Szady has for years "led investigations into Jewish American CIA employees believed to be spying for Israel that have also failed to persuade the Justice Department even to investigate the cases," reports Eli Lake of the New York Sun.That’s not all. Stephen Green, who reportedly was interviewed by the FBI for four hours relating to this case (the FBI refused comment), is a free-lance writer on a two-decade long quest to prove that Paul Wolfowitz, Doug Feith, and other Jews are actually embedded Israeli spies. Some twenty years of futility later, Green is suddenly all the rage with leftist blogs and "news" sites, as well as (frighteningly) some mainstream news outlets. Until his newfound popularity on the left and in the Arab press, Green’s staunchest support had come from Institute of Historical Review (IHR), which is perhaps best known for its denial of the Holocaust. Green’s two books that purport to document Israel’s vast network of Jewish spies working in the U.S. government have received rave reviews from the Holocaust deniers. And now, Green is being utilized by the FBI.

It could be as simple as anti-Semitism on the part of the FBI or some agents - including the Chief of Counter-intelligence. OR it could be worse. It could be that the Chief of Counter-intelligence is a double agent: a paid employee of the Jihadoterrorists or their state sponsors. SOUND FAR-FETCHED? Maybe. This is pure supposition - but it is also supposition based on recent history. FACT #1: the Chief of Counter Espionage in the CIA was Aldrich Ames - who, is turns out, was bought and paid for by the USSR. For a pittance, a few million bucks. FACT #2, the Chief of Counter Intelligence fore the FBI was Robert Hannsen - who, it turns out, was ALSO bought and paid for by our arch-enemy, also for a pittance - a few million bucks. If the Chiefs of counter-intel’ for both the CIA and the FBI could have been bought and paid for by the relatively hard-up/cash-poor USSR, than certainly a few of the oil-rich Wahhabist princes of the Ummah could have bought a few agents of their own (with their "walking around" money!) no!? Even the chiefs of counter-intel/counter-terrorism, no?!

A reasonable person must conclude that it is possible that wealthy Wahhabists have purchased the allegiance of either some CIA agents, some FBI agents - or both. One must also reasonably accept that the wealthy Wahhabists might have even purchased agents high up in the Agency food-chain - even a chief. The Ames and Hannsen cases prove this is possible - if not: likely.

I have NO evidence of this. How could I? But I find it very troubling that not a single person in the CIA or the FBI has ever been fired over the lapses which led to 9/11. This might be because the chiefs are compromised and covering up for themselves.

Also troubling: Before 9/11, the FBI received specific warnings from field agents about Arabs taking flying lessons - but the FBI HQ in DC ignored those warnings. At best, this was an error in judgement, but maybe it was worse - maybe the agent in the DC HQ was covering up for the Jihadoterrorists; maybe it was the deliberate effort of a double agent hired to cover things up? There’s even more trouble: The FBI has long had a shortage of Arabic speakers, but refuses to hire Israeli Jewish Arabic speakers. See HERE. (Or check out Congressman FJ Pallone's (D-NJ) website; he commented on this issue on 10/20/03.)

SURE, I know: this sounds almost "tin-foil hat conspiratorial." But the absence of any accountability, and the targeting of Israeli organizations coupled with the refusal of the FBI to hire Jewish translators can only be explained by one or the other. And, any FBI chief or supervisor who's an anti-Semite, would have to be have been a likely target for the Jihadoterrorists to turn into a double agent.


I think we should demand that Robert Mueller step down and that Bush replace him with someone who will be willing to do to the FBI what Goss is doing at the CIA: clean house. Either these agents are anti-Semites, double agents, or both. In any case: They gotta go. It's all about accountability.

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