Sunday, December 19, 2004


Andy Warhol said, "Art is what you can get away with." To many people, this quote embodies the vapidness and decadence of post-modern art.

It also characterizes much post-modern politics. Especially Clinton. HOW!?

Well, it's NOT JUST that Clinton did whatever he could get away with in the Oval Office with Monica. Clinton and his administration also just stood and watched as EVERYBODY did as much as they could get away with - leading to bubble after bubble... bubbles which have all since burst:

the NASDAQ Bubble... BURST; the Telecoms Bubble... BURST; the Internet/New Economy Bubble... BURST; the California Energy Bubble... BURST; (Clinton's FDA approved whatever drugs were proposed, and now we're finding out that some big ones might be harmful - like Vioxx and Celebrex - so we might be on a cusp of a Pharma Bubble bursting. too); OSLO was a bubble of sorts too - Clinton oversold it, and then Arafat abused it (turning down a do-able deal at Taba) and instead burst the Oslo Bubble, and unleashed the Second Intifada; finally, there's the al Qaida Bubble - Osama kept attacking us - (in Somalia, the WTC in 1993; two of our our African embassies, the Khobar Towers, and the USS Cole) - and Clinton did nothing -- that bubble burst on 9/11. And - as if if that wasn't enough - Clinton also bequeathed us the Oil-For-Food Bubble!

HELL: there were so many bubbles we might as well call them all Bubba's Bubbles!


Which gets us back on point: Clinton governed the way Warhol made art: he did whatever he could get away with. He just ran up the bill! And skipped town. And now Bush has to pay the bill that Bubba ran up! That's okay: Bush is up to the job. Heck: he'll clean up the Social Security Bubble (due to burst between 2018 and 2038) in his spare time!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:28 AM

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