Monday, November 22, 2004


The French are intervening with militry force (at least a French version of it!) in the Ivory Coast - without a UNSCR. WHERE'S THE OUTRAGE? Paul Greenberg in today's Wash Times writes:
This is the work of a small circle of ever-scheming neoconservatives around President Chirac who have plotted to seize the Ivory Coast's cocoa fields for years. And yet the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations has not used his veto to stop the Security Council from approving the French action. Where is the world's conscience? Just wait until Michael Moore exposes this whole rotten plot in his next blockbuster documentary, which will show a host of suspicious ties between France's ruling clique and Ivorian cocoa sheikhs. The rest of Hollywood will surely weigh in at any moment, led by Whoopi Goldberg and her minions. The BBC and NPR already plan specials to expose this war of aggression. If anyone doubts French responsibility for these atrocities, CBS' Dan Rather has proof in the form of some certifiably incriminating documents he soon will air, and which are very convincing — if you don't examine them too closely.

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