Monday, November 22, 2004

Jihadoterrorists Take All Of Dutch Democracy Hostage

Wilders "has two policemen by his side even when in his high-security parliamentary office in case someone tries to decapitate him. Each day, he does not know where he is going to sleep that night, as he is taken from safe house to safe house in a convoy of armoured cars."

This makes democracy itself - in Holland - effectively a hostage.

Which means it may be time for mass expulsion/deportation of non-assimilated Muslims. SOUND TERRIBLE!? I think not on two counts: one, we'd just be sending them "HOME" (how bad could that be!?); and two, we'd be saving democracy and free speech from being squelched by the ruthless intimidation of uncivilized thugs. Hat tip
UDATES: here; here; here; and here. AND HERE, a story about how Jihadoterrorists in Holland threaten to assassinate all anti-Jihadi politicians.

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