Friday, November 12, 2004


UPDATE: The Wall Street Journal has weighed-in with a cold hard look at the EU/IAEA/Iran proposed Nuke Deal which Iran is ALREADY trying to wiggle-jiggle around in. The editorial is titled: "Appeasing Iran Europe seeks a deal even worse than Clinton's with North Korea." Their verdict? The same as mine: It's time for the bad cop to deal with the perp.
I posted a blog on the tentative IRAN/EU/IAEA deal earlier in the week.
I was skeptical any meaningful deal would be accomplished. My skepticism has ALREADY been proven to be well founded.
Thu November 11, 2004 02:43 PM ET
By Louis Charbonneau and Paul Hughes

VIENNA/TEHRAN (Reuters) - Iran has failed to give a definitive answer to an EU demand it freeze sensitive nuclear activities or face referral to the UN Security Council for possible sanctions, a diplomat familiar with the talks says. [...] A Western diplomat close to the IAEA confirmed Iran had not delivered a letter, as it must, to announce the start date for the suspension and invite the UN agency to verify it. [...] But diplomats have said Iran was looking for the EU to sweeten the agreement by offering swift incentives, such as the immediate resumption of stalled trade talks, in return for agreeing to the enrichment freeze. "Iran wants something up front if it's going to suspend enrichment, not just promises. But the Europeans have refused," a diplomat said. Another sticking point in the talks concerns the preparation of uranium for the enrichment process. The EU wants all uranium conversion activities halted, while Tehran wants to continue with some conversion work.
This is a dealbreaker.
It is time for the bad cop to work over the suspect...

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