Tuesday, November 02, 2004

I saw W's final rally of the campaign, and....

I watched W’s last campaign rally for 2004, in Dallas - on C-SPAN. The crowd was very enthusiastic, and the president looked in great spirits and gave a great speech.
It made me look back at the campaign, and think of THREE MORE reasons why I am confident that W will win reelection, and win big:
Bush started his speech with a litany of thanks to prominent polticians there - a few in tight races. KERRY NEVER DOES THIS. WHY!? Well, Kerry has NEVER really campaigned with an incumbent who was running for reelection in a tight contest. If Kerry was a strong "vote magnet" then other candidates lower down on the ticket would’ve sought him out - instead, incumbents like Daschle ran away from Kerry. THAT'S A REAL BAD SIGN!
(2) The pro-Bush crowd broke out into spantaneous cheers of "U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A!"
I never ONCE saw a Kerry rally break out into a spontaneous cheer "U-S-A! U-S-A!" - NOT ONCE! The only cheer they seemed to have was a sort of countdown to election day, so tonight they were cheering "ONE MORE DAY! ONE MORE DAY!" This negative chant really captures the whole core or essence of the Democrat Party: they’re the"anti" party, and they’re running a mediocre, Left-wing, dove candidate who gets their applause only because he is "ABB" anybody but Bush.
This negative/REACTIONARY theme cannot propel him - or the party to victory. Especially when the theme - and the party - is lead by a Senator who NEVER had ANY leadership in the Senate or in his party - EVER! If Kerry had true leadership qualities, don’t you think that the Democrats would’ve sought him out for some/ANY leadership position in the last 20 years!?!? Of course they would’ve. Has Kerry EVER had a proactive leadeship role in ANY important legislation? NO, not once.
SO... how did Kerry get the nomination, then? BY DEFAULT! When it became apparent that Dean was a "wacko", IOWANS placed their bets on Kerry; he then won NH because he was a "virtual" native son/neighbor - and the rest is history...HE WAS NEVER CHALLENGED AFTER THAT.
(3) I saw A LOT of young people at W's rally at SMU. And at other Bush rallies across the USA. I think that the whole idea that the youth vote and/or the "new voter" will break foir Kerry is FALSE. Here's why:
Dean was SUPPOSED to be propelled to victory in IOWA by the new youth vote, the new internet voter - Joe Trippi's "DEANIACS.". IT DID NOT HAPPEN FOR DEAN, AND IT WILL NOT HAPPEN FOR KERRY, EITHER!
That’s how the Democrat Party - MY OLD PARTY - ended up with a guy who won’t release his medical records, or his wife’s holdings, or his own military records. A candidate who other candidates run away from - and who inspires not a whit of patriotism or optimism.
That is a candidate who MUSTN’T win - and who cannot win, thank God.

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