Sunday, November 28, 2004


Chirac is 72 tomorrow - which is today in France - so... we want to be the first to wish him ... a speedy retirement, and then - (once he no longer has immunity from prosecution) - a long stay in a prison.

To read a little bit about Chirac's long and utterly sleezy career start here and here and here and here and here! Then, go here and here and here.... and... oh you get the picture, don't you? Chirac's corruption makes Kojo Annan look like a piker! Heck, Chirac and his cronies - (like Juppe, a former PM convicted for corruption during the time Chirac was mayor of Paris) - probably out stole the ol' Tom Penderegast machine of the Prohibition Era K.C. .

Today - (it's still Sunday here in the USA) - Chirac just got pre-birthday slap in the face: his chief rival (and the only politican with a reasonable chance at saving France) Nicolas Sarkozy just became head of the UMP - the party that Chirac founded, and by a huge margin. Sark' - as he is known - has a huge approval rating, and destroys Chirac in head-to-head polls. So even if Chirac decided to run for the presidency again (so he could retain his immunity) - he won't get it! Chirac's days as a free man are numbered...

UPDATE: Reliable sources with a nose for news relate that French justice is like French cheese: IT STINKS!

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