Monday, November 29, 2004


"KIEV, Ukraine (AP) — Ukraine Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovych said Monday he would support another vote if allegations of fraud are proven in last week's disputed presidential election, while Ukraine's Supreme Court said it will not come to a decision today on the political opposition's appeal challenging the validity of the vote. The nation's Central Election Commission declared Yanukovych the winner of the Nov. 21 vote, but opposition candidate Viktor Yushchenko claimed the vote was rigged. Justice Anatoliy Yarema said the court would give Yanukovych's lawyers until 10 a.m. Tuesday to study additional evidence presented by Yushchenko's team, and Yanukovych subsequently said he would back another presidential vote if the fraud allegations were proven. Yushchenko's team is asking the court to throw out the results, cancel the election commission's decision and name Yushchenko the victor because he narrowly won the Oct. 31 first round."

It's in the court's hands, now. They can do one of two things: call for a new election; or declare a winner. Stay tuned....

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