Thursday, November 25, 2004

Giving Thanks

I thank God every day that I was born in America. There is so much to be thankful for. Every Thanksgiving I read Lincoln's 1863 Proclamation. Because so many of our fellow Americans are now serving in dangerous war-zones overseas, this is an especially important document to read this Thanksgiving.

There are other things to be grateful for - other people to be grateful to, people who made or are making a difference - people who help make the world a better place.

Here's story about one of them - one which you probably haven't heard about before. It's from The Scotsman, (11/25/04 edition - so, it's especially fitting to read on Thanksgiving!) It's about a British spy who was honored yesterday at the British Embassy in Berlin - on the 120th anniversary of his birth. He was honored because he saved TEN TIMES as many Jews from the NAZI camps than Schindler did. MORE THAN 10,000! Why did he do it? "'Foley was just a good guy doing what he could,' Mr Smith [his biographer] said." Some of the people he saved were at the ceremony - and gave thanks!

Of course, there's more to his story, so: RTWT. And have a Happy Thanksgiving!

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