Monday, November 22, 2004

Fallujah Weapons Cache Yields Could Reduce Jihadoterrorist Attacks All Over Iraq For Months

Besides killing bad guys - which makes them unavailable for any future Jihadoterrorist missions - the Fallujah operation has yielded tons of weapons and explosives. From the Pentagon's DEFENSELink:
"In contrast to that, the entire Marine Expeditionary Force found 48 caches and 93 IEDs in the month of October, and in all of Iraq in the month of October, units found 130 caches and destroyed 348 IEDs," he said. "So that is an incredibly significant amount of weapons and IEDs that were found in the city."

Smith said soldiers and Marines also found large IED-making facilities, and facilities for making vehicle-borne bombs. "So clearly, besides being a safe haven for leadership and command and control, Fallujah was a center for making the IEDs that were being produced and used in other parts of the country to attack the coalition," he said. "And we continue to make significant finds in the city every day."
WOW! Our brave military is doing great things. God Bless them! More at CENTCOM.

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