Wednesday, October 13, 2004

TONIGHT: LET THERE BE LIGHT- the same light!

At debate #1 Bush's podium had hotter white spots on it than Kerry's.


Because I reviewed a rebroadcast of it and noticed that when the candidates shook hands in the center of the proscenium they had the same skin color. BUT, when they took their places at their podiums, Kerry's skin color stayed the same, and Bush's looked whiter/paler. This could ONLY happen if the lighting was different. This "dirty trick" - putting harsher lights on Bush - made Bush look more tired than Kerry. This dirty trick made Bush look pale, and Bush's paleness hurt him as much as Nixon's five o'clock shadow hurt him.

At debate #2, this dirty trick wasn't attempted - probably because the candidates roamed the proscenium.

If you watch the debate tonight, take a look, and see if they try the dirty trick again.

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