Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Hey BlogSTARS: "Thanks for the Links!"

My many UPDATED thanks to the established blogSTARS for linking to my TWO (2) week old (and already a large mammal in the TTLB Ecosystem!) blog:

Man Without Qualities , BETSY'S PAGE ,
Poliblogger , The American Thinker , Instapundit , Roger L. Simon , VikingPundit , Prestopundit , Mudville Gazette , Martini Pundit , Dissecting Leftism , Outside the Beltway , Beldar , Anti-John Kerry , POWERPUNDIT, Lockjaw's Lair , The Pickle ,
Political Tracker , and of course - B4B

(If I forgot you, please just drop me a reminder in the comments.)

1 comment:

  1. You didn't forget me. I just found you. It's good stuff, though, so consider yourself blogrolled.

    Lockjaw of Lockjaw's Lair
