Friday, October 29, 2004

GUESS: since 9/11 who are the victims of more hate crimes in the USA: Muslims or Jews (or the GOP)?

According to the recently released annual FBI Crime Report:
Overall, hate crimes were flat compared to 2002. There were only 1300 committed. Of them, about 145 were committed against Muslims - all last year. That's too many - even one is too many; nevertheless: Let's put it in perspective - more GOP and BC'04 HQ's and signs were attacked in the last 3 months!
And all the while, (as the Left cries about PHANTOM government-sponsored Bush-induced racism against Muslims), REAL Jews (in 775 separate attacks) and REAL GOP and BC'04 HQ's get attacked all over the USA.
Somehow, I feel it all adds up...
The Left thinks: AsKKKroft is worse than UBL; and that the 2000 election was stolen; and that we went to Afghanistan for the gas and the poppies, and to Iraq for the Oil; that Gitmo and Abu Graib were concentration camps where we tortured innoncent people; that the GWOT is a euphemism; and that Muslims are the chief victims of hate crimes.
It's ALL false.
Well, if the Left - and Kerry and the Democrat Party is SOOOOOO wrong on all that, what is the likelihood that they're right about ANYTHING ELSE?

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