Sunday, October 24, 2004

Guardian/Observer - the leading Left-wing British Newspaper -admits a Kerry victory is a victory for the Jihadoterrorists

October 24, 2004 The Observer


"Why Tony would vote for Dubya"


"His advisers have been telling Mr Blair he will be best served by regime change in Washington. The Prime Minister isn't convinced"

written by columnist Andrew Rawnsley


"Bush has run for a second term as a 'War President'. Even if the reasons for his defeat were more complicated, his eviction from the White House would be widely taken as a vote of no confidence in the war by the country that led it. Even if this was not true, Islamic terrorism would claim it as a great victory."

The enemy will claim a Kerry victory as their own victory. Is there a better reason NOT to vote for Kerry??!?!?!?!

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